Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hip Camera! Saigon street crossing

This video was taken by Andrew as we crossed a street in Saigon. This is actually a pretty mellow crossing and it can be much, much worse.


  1. Must be good at Frogger to get across the streets of Saigon!

  2. Wow....I have heard that before also, just keep walking slowly and don't stop or change speeds. All the drivers know what you are doing and therefore know how to ...miss you.

  3. Hey Nicola and Andrew, Rodman here.... I am thrilled at reading your stories and following along.....great stuff guys, keep it coming. Very articualtely written also, as I read along I can't help but think you should be selling your stories to Time or Life mag. :o)The extra $ would come in handy for more snails. I love your sense of adventure.
